Health Tips

Let's learn about using essential oils this month.

Lavender oil is known as an oil to help relax and improve sleep quality. It is a powerful oil for pain relief of burns and helps prevent scarring. Now that it is allergy season and if you are going up north make sure to have a good quality lavender oil as it is excellent for allergies and will reduce swelling and itchy bug bites.

Once my son had a very bad allergic reaction to dandelions with the help of the oils one being lavender his reaction of swelling around his eyes and hives ended within 15 minutes.

A good quality oil is not in any way harmful to your skin and with some oils they are safe enough for internal use. At Centre for Well Being we use therapeutic grade oils that are distilled at a low temperature. If you would like more information on the benefits and how to purchase therapeutic grade essential oils please let me know.

~ I have used Peace and Calming essential oil many times, and each time I have used it, I have experienced amazing results. Peace and Calming essential oil has helped calm my mind and body, relieve me from stress, and it has helped me relax. I have used it to help me sleep during times where I have been very stressed out. Peace and Calming essential oil has a pleasant smell and it's effect takes place quickly after applying. I personally would recommend this essential oil to anyone :)
- Olenka Hinde, 18
